"These people are from Baihua Palace. Most of the seduction techniques practiced by Baihua Palace are women, and everyone is extremely enchanting. The woman headed by them is the head of Baihua Palace, and she has reached the realm of Yuan Baby."


"In the art of seduction, it is also the most accomplished in the whole Baihua Palace. I’m afraid one look can kill a group of teenagers like you." An old man with Gu Jian on his back and a black cloth on his eyes said that he didn’t have time to wipe his saliva.
"Hey, this big ye, we are all this age, so don’t be so coquettish." A young practitioner hey hey smiled, with a lewd smile on his lips.
"Smelly boy, what is your eyes? I’m talking about … er … art, "the blind old man with Gu Jian shouted.
"This old man, you can’t seem to see, can you?" The young man was surprised.
In front of the old man, his eyes were covered with black cloth, and his hair was messy and scattered over his shoulders, but his mouth was hung with a coquettish smile, so he looked like an old man.
"Hum, I’ve become an eye in the sky, and even if I’m blind, I can see what you can’t." The blind old man said discontentedly.
"eh? Grandpa, what do you mean? " The young practitioner asked.
"The old lady’s eye can see everything, even if she is blind, but as long as the eye is opened, all women are naked in front of her." The blind old man said proudly, not blushing at all for what he said.
On the edge of the tea stall, several female practitioners were sitting. Hearing this, they immediately turned pale with fear and put their hands over their chests.
"Don’t stop it, you can’t stop it." The blind old man laughed.
"Old scoundrel!"
"Old pervert!"
"Old is not serious!"
With a snort of shame, several female practitioners fled away from the tea stall.
"Grandpa, what you said is true. Can you really see everything?"
"Is that fake?" The blind old man proudly said, "Do you know the previous Tianchi Saint?"
"Of course I know, the one who was beheaded by the man who was pregnant with seven stars ten years ago."
The blind old man nodded: "Yes, that’s her. I followed her for seven days and seven nights without being found. I don’t say that you don’t know. It’s really useless to say that the figure of the former Tianchi Saint tutored. Unfortunately, was killed by the little crazy boy, doesn’t even have a complete body, alas ….. Sin … "
As he spoke, the blind old man showed a look of regret.
"Grandpa, don’t talk nonsense, be careful to be heard by people in Tianchi." One person looked around and persuaded.
"What are you afraid of!" The blind old man grinned and said, "I didn’t come here this time, I just wanted to see the fairy posture of the current virgin Snow White."
They were speechless at once, and several people looked at each other, and they didn’t know where such a gourmet uncle came from. His words were amazing, which shocked all the people and made them feel ashamed of themselves.
"Grandpa, you speak slowly. This is the site of Tianchi, so you can’t talk nonsense." Just now, the man spoke again to discourage him.
Chapter 326 Weird old blind man
"Old man, do you really have an eye? Give me this rogue means? " The young practitioner pleaded. )
"Ha-ha-ha, anyone can learn the Eye of Heaven. If you want to open the Eye of Heaven, you must first abolish your own eyes. Do you still want to learn?" The blind old man is a master in the world.
"ah! So cruel! "The young practitioner’s face was suddenly embarrassed.
Zhuge didn’t notice the situation here. He, Xiang Yi Fei and some disciples of Baihua Palace found a place to settle down in a small town and planned to go to Tianchi officially tomorrow.
"Brother Stone, why don’t we go somewhere for a drink and have a good talk?" Tong Xuefei’s beautiful face was eager.
"Sorry, I don’t have time." Zhuge refused without thinking or thinking, and shut himself in his room.
"This guy is really going to die. It seems that after Daotianchi gets the immortal order, I will quickly separate from Xiang Yifei and them." Zhuge Brightheart not concerned with a cold sweat.
Open the window and a cold wind blows. The window of Zhuge’s unlit room is facing the outside of the village. Looking at the vast expanse of whiteness between heaven and earth, Zhuge unlit took a deep breath. Let the cold wind blow on your face.
"Hey, hey, how did you get here, you idiot? It really made me easy to find." A golden light appeared in the room, and the monkey stood behind Zhuge Buliang disgruntled.
Before the monkey left, Zhuge Buliang set up a connection between gods and knowledge on him. Through the capture of gods, we can find the clear position of Zhuge Buliang.
"Who told you to run around?" Zhuge said without looking back, still looking at the snow outside the window.
"I’ve been following you all the way for a long time. Look at that woman, so she didn’t show up." The monkey said that it still has the name of self-knowledge. At the beginning, the monkey and Xiang Yi Fei met. If the monkey appeared in front of her, I am afraid it would immediately arouse Xiang Yi Fei’s suspicion.
"We want to enter Tianchi. You can’t appear in this form. Let’s change it." Zhuge said without light.
The little monkey scratched his head. Now he has mastered the changes of human beings and can become anyone’s touch. The monkey suddenly turned into a girl, standing in front of Zhuge Liang, with her golden hair hanging straight down to her hips, * * holding her body and swinging her hips.
"Brother Zhuge, do you think people are beautiful?" Golden girl’s voice is feminine and coquetry, and she makes eyes at Zhuge.
Zhuge didn’t shine all over, and he almost didn’t slap the monkey out. He shouted, "Don’t you become normal if you play on the other side?"
Girls show delicate and touching color, delicate and charming red lips light qi, small tongue in circles on the edge of red lips.
Zhuge almost didn’t throw up before dawn: "Change back quickly and read less those messy books in the future!" "
The golden girl smiled, turned herself into a beautiful man again, with a graceful manner and a handsome appearance, and said with a smile, "Is it ok this time?"
Zhuge nodded unsatisfactorily: "Remember, don’t show your monkey look in front of Xiang Yi Fei again. Also, try not to be so handsome, be careful that Tong Xuefei has a crush on you. "
The howling cold wind lifted a layer of snow and sand, but for the immortal, this cold wind was nothing. The practitioners in the town are still blue robes, and some female practitioners are still wearing gauze skirts.
Zhuge was bored in his room before dawn, so he wandered alone in the town.
At this moment, he suddenly felt someone hit him from behind, turned to look, turned out to be a blind old man with a black cloth over his eyes and a Gu Jian on his back.
The blind old man is still holding a broken bamboo pole in his hand, banging in front of him and groping for the way forward.
Zhuge was surprised when he was not bright, but he didn’t notice when the old man approached behind him.
"I’m sorry, are you all right?" The blind old man quickly apologized.
"Well, nothing." Zhuge suddenly nodded before dawn.
The blind old man continued to beat the broken bamboo pole and walked forward. Looking at the strange Gu Jian behind him, Zhuge Bu Liang frowned. Is this a master? Look at his dress like a repairman, but I can’t feel the real fluctuation from him.
Moreover, if the other person is a practitioner, he can explore the road with divine knowledge, and there is no need to look at this broken bamboo bridge.
To outsiders, this is indeed an ordinary blind old man, but just now he approached behind him without Zhuge Liang’s knowledge, which made Zhuge Liang suspicious.
At this time, the snow at the foot suddenly trembled, and there was a "rumbling" noise in the distance, followed by a hissing roar of a savage beast.
On the street, a spirited unicorn beast strides proudly, and the unicorn beast is surrounded by fairy light. This is a spirit beast with ancient unicorn blood. On the unicorn beast, sat a dashing teenager, seemingly only 14 or 15 years old, dressed in a dragon robe, with a bright light in Ran Ran.
After the unicorn beast, there are also two unicorns, a man and a woman sitting on them, all of whom are full of pride, riding on the unicorns and coldly scanning the people on the roadside.
"Which big faction disciple is it?" Some people can’t help wondering.
Zhuge’s pupil shrank suddenly when he was not bright, because he saw three ancient spirit beasts heading straight for the blind old man.
"Shit!" Zhuge was suddenly surprised when he was not bright, but he soon calmed down and watched the blind old man’s every move unblinkingly.
The blind old man still didn’t know, beating the broken bamboo pole and heading straight for the three ancient beasts.