Imperial heaven and earth can devour power and devour 9,999 fire powers. The master of fire power is called’ Emperor Yan’. Is his character evil or not? It is also called terminating.


By hook or by crook, this is the imperial character.
In this life, the heavenly heart has two sacred things, namely, the evil Huang Yaoshi and the present Huang Rong.
Imperial Heaven can kill Guo Jing with a fine expression, but can’t bear to feel a little sad about Huang Rongyou.
Maternal love is amazing, and the cold heart has been melted by Huang Rong’s maternal love.
At this moment, Imperial Heaven’s eyes are very dull, and the corners of his mouth show a faint smile, staring at Huang Rong and listening to Huang Rong.
Huang Rong kindly eyes looked at the royal day.
"Today, your father decided to teach you martial arts. Today, my son is ten years old, so it’s time to practice martial arts." Huang Rong said kindly.
Imperial forehead slightly wrinkled eyebrows silver flame burning like general.
Imperial day corners of the mouth with disdain shook his head and said, "Guo Jing my martial arts, what will he do to me? Guo Jing’s martial arts come from Nine Yin True Classics and Dragon Ten Palm."
These two sets of kung fu, he will never be left with kung fu. Apart from the "True Teaching" martial arts, there will be seven strange kung fu in the south of the Yangtze River. Although the true teaching martial arts is good, Guo Jing will not be left with the seven strange kung fu in the south of the Yangtze River. I still can’t watch it
Now I owe my grandfather’s love to get the martial arts of Peach Blossom Island. I left my grandfather’s kung fu to learn the seven eccentrics of Jiangnan. Isn’t it that the seven eccentrics of Jiangnan and my grandfather’s martial arts are not worthy of shoes? "
The cold words of Imperial Heaven made Huang Rong’s eyes dim with disdain and contempt.
Huang Rong looked at Yutian with a long sigh and said with kind words, "Tianer, your words are good, but you are only ten years old this year. Now you are just laying the foundation. You can learn anything from this basic martial arts. Peach Blossom Island Kung Fu will do when you grow up."
Huang Rong words let royal day nai shook his head.
At this moment, Huang Rong took the Imperial Heaven and walked towards the door.
Huang Rong, this is determined to let Yutian follow Guo Jing to learn martial arts and ease Guo Jing and Yutian.
It’s really hard to argue against Huang Rong’s request for Imperial Heaven to follow Huang Rong out of the bamboo house!
Chapter 12 Your anger moves
Peach Blossom Island is in full bloom after spring.
In March, the spring breeze fluttered slowly with the faint fragrance of flowers and the singing of birds.
Stone path, clear water and flowing spring are quiet and natural.
A little black hair floated with a little cold, and there was silence all around.
The black silk was caught by a smooth jade hand and gently stroked, which returned the black hair to its original position.
"alas! God, wait … Don’t argue with your father again. After all, he is your father! "
The sound is a little bleak and even more sad.
Black-haired man’s brow is slightly wrinkled, and the silvery white flame between his eyebrows seems to burn.
"Hum ….." Imperial Heaven snorted and sneered. "It’s even more interesting that father is interesting. Don’t fight. Mother, have you ever regretted it over the years?"
There is a glimmer of crystal in the eyes of the stunning female one leng.
The stunning woman is Huang Rong Huang Rong who sighs for a long time but doesn’t know how to answer.
Huang Rong some bitter in the heart but I don’t know what to answer.
Regret or not?
The Imperial Heaven turned to look at each other, and there was a cold light in his eyes. He snorted in his heart, "Don’t say anything about this expression, because I can see that the atmosphere in the Song Dynasty is too conservative, which will almost force the woman to die. My mother will endure for a few years and wait for her to be fully prepared before killing."
The cold eyes in my heart are bloody, and a killing is brewing.
With a wave of his big sleeve, he rolled up three feet of peach blossoms and strode forward.
Huang Rong long sigh beautiful eyes with sadness with the royal day.
A painting of a bamboo house is ethereal, and a huge atmosphere flies out.
Three people, a big fellow, thick brow, dark skin, like a peasant, an old man, pale silver hair, black beard and gray skin, which is very harmful to his eyes. When he closes his eyes, he will know that this is a blind woman with smiling eyes and curiosity. He is not only about ten years old.
Three girls, curious Han hates blindness and indifference.
With two figures coming, three people don’t change their faces and look at one person.
Imperial heaven! The cold light in the knife-shaped eyebrows and black eyes is like the cold wind in October at first sight, but this look is cooler than the clever corners of the mouth, like a stunning man.
The big fellow looked with a hint of disgust and a hint of blame at the corner of his mouth. "God, your mother is looking for you. Why are you so late!"
Imperial silence and cold eyes just look at the ethereal calligraphy and painting in the hall.
"Hum …!" Blind cold hum a hand black rod fell "your father you speak you don’t answer?"
Imperial day squint corners of the mouth with sarcasm indifferently a pie coldly said, "I don’t know today called me to meet the so-called thing? I feel like you don’t want to see me, and I naturally don’t want to see you. "
Cold as sarcasm, cold as ice.
Such words are like a cold sword light stabbing Guo Jing and Ke Zhene’s heart.
Ke Zhene’s staff fell down again and could not help but drink "Jinger is still up to you to tell"
At Ke Zhene, Imperial Heaven was a little strange and surprised. There was a hint of doubt in his eyes. Imperial Heaven knew the original work. At this time, Ke Zhene would be furious and raise his black staff to fight.
But Ke Zhene is a long sigh.
Guo Jing was deeply taught by Confucianism, and a Confucian etiquette went deep into the bone marrow. He would not like it or he would not drown Yutian when he was born. In the Song Dynasty, if there was a birthmark, the baby’s face was ominous. When Yutian was born, his eyebrows turned into a silver flame, and his fetal hair was like ice in October, so it was so different that Guo Jing hated it from the bottom of his heart.
Although Ke Zhene is stubborn, he has been called a strange behavior since he was a child, and he is not confined by etiquette. Although he doesn’t like it, he doesn’t say’ hate and kill’.
Imperial day seems to be thinking generally indifferent eyes appear a ponder.
Corners of the mouth light a curl of disdain generally looked at Guo Jing.
Guo Jing is the nominal father of the Imperial Heaven, but he didn’t have the slightest connection with it. At the beginning, the Imperial Heaven’s’ bone spirit and cold fire’ body entered the Huangrong body and became an adult with the help of Huang Rong’s qi and blood. In the end, the Imperial Heaven was just Huang Rong in Guo Jing, but there was no point.
At the moment, the sky is cold and his eyes are cold. Otherwise,
Guo Jing frowned and hated the big sleeves. "God, now that you are ten years old, it’s time to learn some martial arts players. Why don’t you take this?"
Said Guo Jing casually throw a.
Imperial day right hand caught in my heart flew into a rage.
See here to write "Mao Changquan"
The name of "Taizu Changquan" has a long history. Although it is a shallow fist, it is a fist created by Song Taizu. This fist is superb in the hands of Qiao Feng. However, even with the name of Qiao Feng, the shallow fist is still a shallow fist. Everyone knows a few tricks. Such fists are an insult to the heavens.
"Hum …!" Imperial heavenly heart cold hum in the heart can’t help but drink cold "MAO Changquan" so shallow boxing laid the foundation, although it is good, but there is no work-mind method to assist. After all, it is the crops that bully me so much that I will report it in the future. "
A cold smile at the corner of his mouth seems to be a mockery. Even though a red strong breeze appears with a wave of his right hand, it turns into a breeze, and it is hot with filar silk.
Blowing the fire palm produces wind pressure when it falls.
The imperial heaven is angry and angry, and the hand is angry, and the murder is cold and cold. Even if the palm falls, it will become wind, weathering and heat like a volcanic wind.
Wind ups and downs
Incinerate to fly ash
As soon as the big sleeve is thrown up, the strong breeze fly ash becomes a sword and stabs the big fellow in front of me.
Dahan Guo Mingjing
Guo Jing’s eyes showed an incredible beard in his hand, but he broke a few corners of his mouth and showed anger "Dare!"
The flying ash falls like a peach blossom in March.