

The handover of the lightsaber golden Tang cross knife turned out to be a golden iron ring. His lightsaber was really blocked by the grid!
"How is that possible!" Don stared incredulously. "It doesn’t make sense!"
"Oh, you don’t know there are many things!" Zhang Lan sarcastically said, "Harry Loki is yours. Remember to close the door when you get the chance!"
After talking, Zhang Lan only left the left wing to fly straight to the sky. His goal was behind the door-he didn’t believe that Tang would let him reach his country through the door.
That would be a disaster for Zetatari like Tang arrival on earth!
Where did Tang manage that Loki’s fighting capacity was several grades higher than Zhang Lan’s, but he was led away by Zhang Lan’s rhythm. This is tactics.
In front of the door, Zhang Lan was chased first, and Zhang Lan was intercepted by the earth. By the way, he blocked the door to prevent fighters from passing through.
In fact, in a short period of time, more than 30,000 fighter planes have successfully entered the back of the door. Commander Zetari obviously didn’t expect to be countered by the earth, and it was so fierce. Immediately, the team was torn apart and spent six times as much force to destroy this group of uninvited guests.
After the commander quickly warned his king, Tang, that the invaders were strong and urgently started the defensive formation.
No matter if you want to continue to invade the earth, the plan will not work for the time being
"Damn it, you humble earthman dare to violate my king’s dignity!"
After receiving the news, Tang was so angry that he waved his lightsaber and killed Zhang Lan.
This time the peak battle!
Loki looked at Harry and Peter in embarrassment, which was beyond his expectation. The two people in front of him should also be Don.
You never know, he Loki still missed a blue card.
Peter, who had been silent for a long time, finally found a chance to be released. He didn’t wear a battle suit, but stood in a simple coat and invited Harry.
"Then Harry made a bet to see who took the culprit!"
Chapter 372 War Rev. (2 more commutation ticket)
"You are still weak and fighting!"
Megatron Optimus Prime has no desire to start work in pairs, and behind them are the Autobots Decepticons in a scuffle.
"No, I’m fighting for justice!"
Optimus Prime did not agree with Megatron’s words. He looked back frequently, and he was very concerned about the battle of Autobots.
If no one but him could hold Megatron off, he would not hesitate to go back and fight.
4V6 is no joke.
Megatron obviously saw this and didn’t rush to start work.
However, it was beyond the expectation of two people that Zhang Lan did not abandon his teammates’ habit, but actually left Banner behind.
Put your heart and soul into accepting that Hulk Banna was a giant at first, and that the two big guys, the Vietnam War and the Saskatchewan Giant, were fighting evenly!
Even the Hulk can take the opportunity to pull out the tail whip of the giant scorpion to attack the noise.
This is obviously beyond Megatron’s expectation.
The other four small combat regiments—
Bumblebee VS Starscream
-This excellent scout bit Starscream intensely and let the other side take off and lose control of such a great advantage. The situation was deadlocked for a while.
Tiepi VS roadblock
-Weapons expert The cold and hot cannon around Tiepi is not a vegetarian. The barricade is firmly stabilized and forced to take close combat, otherwise he may be smashed by Tiepi.
Jazz VS vertigo
This is a game with the biggest difference in size. Jazz is better at guerrilla warfare than head-on combat. Just right, the prototype transport helicopter is dizzy and similar in size to bumblebee. On the contrary, Jazz can struggle with him as much as possible. This is a tightrope walker. One careless move will lead to a defeat and death.
Ambulance VS bone breaker
This is the hardest combination at present, and neither of them has much advantage or disadvantage, that is, you punch each other and I compete with each other to see who will dismantle each other first, but the ambulance and autobots team doctors must have more experience in hand and defense.
According to this analysis, it is likely that the Hulk side will decide the outcome first and it will be the end of Hulk’s victory.
Megatron would never let that happen!
But it’s obvious that Optimus Prime will not let him get involved while he’s eyeing it. Megatron called for foreign aid-
"Stan, Bronsky, it’s your turn. Your prey has appeared!"
"roar! ! !”
When Megatron commanded the battlefield, the hulk shouted at his freedom head and cheered.
This cheer is still a little premature.
"roar! ! !”
With a roar hulk milli guard against being a green figure higher than his head, so he was bombarded by the other party’s left hand according to his back neck and right hand.
Hulk was just about to turn over and fight back against the heaviness of his left and right hands. The giant and the noise suppressed his arm.
"roar! ! !”
The third roar responded to Bronsky’s incarnation in the distance, and he hated running at full speed. His goal was to be beaten by Hulk for three consecutive times. Even the soldiers were in the hands of scientific researchers, and he was so competitive that he would never be reconciled!
You can avenge yourself if you see it. Although you didn’t kill this troubled Bronsky alone, you are still very excited-you must go further if you want to tear that guy and drink the other person’s blood!
Hulk’s blood strongly attracted him. Bronsky jumped three meters, which was much smaller than the four people in the war circle, but his goal was indeed the hulk body!
Whoever it is, this is definitely a man’s point!
Seeing that we are close to the target, Bronsky has already bloomed bloodthirsty and ferocious-
"boomed! ! !”
A figure fell from the sky, and the other party was petite. Bronsky consciously ignored the other party, but he didn’t feel relieved but didn’t want to capsize in the gutter.
Intercepting Bronsky naturally came to support Natasha.
His contempt for people and her delicate fist blasted Bronsky into the ground, leaving a deep hole.
A mouthful of dark green blood spit out from Bronsky’s mouth. He turned his hand to catch it behind his back. Natasha had expected to flash across his right hand. Then Bronsky’s thumb brushed Jeanblanc’s. Another stuffy hum.
It’s hard to feel the muscles and bones that have been cut off.
"you damn woman!"
Bronsky gnashed his teeth. He propped himself up with his right hand and looked down at his left hand. He found that his left thumb was no longer at his command, and he couldn’t even make the simplest fist.
He temporarily lost the ability to grasp things after losing control of his left thumb.
I have to say that Natasha’s attack in this section is very accurate, and at least chakra achieves the maximum fighting interests.
Bronsky, where do you remember Hulk’s stout right hand picking up the scorpion tail and waving it at Natasha as a stick?
Naturally, such a clumsy attack can’t hit Natasha. It’s just a light jump, that is, it hides from the attack. When flipping, the two stones are crossed and waved, and they are pushed by the strange force to shoot into Bronsky’s eyes.
Bronsky, after all, is a veteran for many years. When he saw Natasha moving out of the corner of his eye, he was unconscious and narrowly escaped the eye shot-

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