Yun Xuan also wants a primary intelligence, but it’s a pity that the price of primary intelligence is too expensive, and his advanced hacker ability is similar to that of primary intelligence.


Probably, hackers can make primary intelligent programming by upgrading their advanced level. Yun Xuan is still very interested in this.
"It seems that there is nothing else to stay here. Let’s buy something early and go home." Yunxuan looked out of the window and stayed at home.
I wonder what happened to Cher and what I should buy for Lin Qingyu. Makeup? Ah, no, you should buy some real things, such as women’s clothes …
I can’t help smiling at the thought of Lin speaking softly and wearing women’s clothes like Yunxuan.
"Knock" knock at the door outside interrupted YunXuan idea.
Yunxuan walked to the door and looked a little strange. What was he doing here?
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Chapter 5 New Way of Golden Crab Pills
Yunxuan hit the door. It was Jiang Yue.
"Look at you. It’s the Oriental family. Let you take me there." Yunxuan looked at Jiang Yue and said with a smile.
"It should be a good thing for you to follow orders," Jiang Yue said seriously.
"Let’s go, I also want to visit Beijing later." Yunxuan shrugged his shoulders and was dubious about what Jiang Yue said.
Yunxuan followed Jiang Yue without saying a word and looked at this Hao license plate number slightly one leng.
Think of it as 66666.
"Please" Jiang Yue hit the door.
Yunxuan mind thinking about the problem by car.
It’s a kind of respect to ask the Oriental to send a car to invite him, so the question is, what is there in me that interests the Oriental?
"Medicinal diet?" Yunxuan’s mind flashed this idea. It’s not an accident that the Oriental family and the fighters have a joint.
The car went away from the capital and entered a resort.
Yunxuan looked at the patrol soldiers in the resort and frowned. Is it a big shot?
"Wait a minute, go in and talk, pay attention to something, don’t miss the opportunity." Before Jiang Yue stopped a villa, he waited for Yunxuan to answer that he had already got off the bus and hit the door for Yunxuan.
"Thank you" YunXuan walked the car and looked at the soldiers stationed in front of the villa.
Jiang Yueling YunXuan walked into the villa.
In the villa, dozens of middle-aged people in suits and a face of indifference are proud of the East. Yunxuan has seen the Oriental masters and the Oriental Enlightenment.
Oriental enlightenment seems to have not rested for several days, and a face of exhaustion sat there and saw Yunxuan hurriedly meet up.
"This way to talk" Oriental enlightenment made a wink.
Yunxuan got the message and Oriental Enlightenment came to the next room.
"This is my father. He is a general. According to the advice of a famous doctor, if he can make a tonic, he can be saved." Dongfang Wu took out a somewhat quaint page from his arms and looked at the weak old man in the isolation ward.
"Medicinal diet recipes?" Yun Xuan was not shocked. He was sent to this world by an angel and met the devil. He has rich experience and can be written into a novel.
"But if you can reproduce this medicated diet, whether it is successful or not, my Oriental family will thank you. If my father survives this, I am willing to promise you one condition, anything." Oriental Wu solemnly said.
"Well, I promise you to prepare a kitchen for me and the ingredients you need." Yunxuan looked at the recipe seriously.
This page of medicated diet is actually one of the golden recipes, and it happens that he has made … golden crab pills!
This page is not complete. There is a soup part. This soup is the center of the golden crab pill and the most valuable thing.
Why didn’t Oriental Aoxue make it? I’m afraid there is a specialization problem in the industry. The chef doesn’t often use traditional Chinese medicine. She may be able to reproduce it.
This level of Golden Crab Pill is beyond her taste.
Even if the smell is fragrant, if the medicine is confused, it may cause an accident
Dongfang Wu didn’t dare to gamble, but Dongfang Aoxue brought back Yunxuan to participate in the battle for food spirits, which shocked Dongfang Wu. According to Dongfang Aoxue, the famous doctor also confirmed that Yunxuan made the golden crab pill.
Yunxuan came to the Oriental kitchen, where two soldiers guarded it very quietly.
"Give me an hour and a half" YunXuan walked into the door.
Oriental enlightenment looked at the closed kitchen and dared not disturb Yunxuan personally guarding the door.
I can see that although the Oriental Enlightenment is calm on the surface, it is actually very anxious.
Yunxuan looked at the ingredients and herbs in the kitchen and quickly started the golden crab pill, which was not difficult for him to accomplish.
In less than an hour, the golden crab pill was completed, and Yunxuan put away the excess powder without hesitation.
Wait until the golden crab pill almost cools YunXuanCai end plate and went out.