The huge impression was pushed out by Zhang Liujin and immediately disappeared.


Xu Ren, a staggered suspension didn’t plant directly from it.
Zhang Liujin’s body is bright red everywhere, and he can’t tell whether it is blood or blood ShaQi.
At this time, Zhang Liujin’s spirit is a little weak, and he just pushed the huge seal of that party and it cost him a lot.
Ho ho-
Zhang Liujin gnashed her teeth and kept making inhuman growls.
This time, Zhang Liujin can be said to have capsized in the gutter. He didn’t expect Xu Ren’s hands to be so powerful at a young age.
Xu Renqiang constantly supplements the spirit. Every day, he is urged to supplement the spirit of the stone to absorb the spirit of the stone to supplement his own consumption.
His state is worse than Zhang Liujin’s. Just now, his physical strength has almost been drained by the impression of that party.
Xu Ren’s impression on this side is that Bai Hucheng spent 300,000 pieces of Lingshi at the auction.
This seal is a treasure that the fairy in my dream met when he was fighting in Xinghai.
In that dream, the wild seal belonged to the wild family, and the power of the treasure was poor. Even the fairy in the dream spent a lot of effort to collect the wild seal.
After being collected, the wild family has been following the fairy statue in Xu Ren’s dream in Xinghai until finally the fairy statue in Xu Ren’s dream was calculated to fall into Xinghai, and the strongest of the wild family also died in Xinghai with the wild seal fairy statue.
After that, Xu Ren didn’t know. I don’t know if this side of the seal was like leaving Xinghai and coming to China. I don’t know which one of the great powers actually left a ban on the seal, so that the ordinary seal of the fallen side also appeared in the White Tiger City auction.
Xu Ren also made a great effort to tear a gap in the seal, but just tearing a gap has already forced the nine-fold Zhang Liujin to finish the bleeding directly, which eventually caused serious injuries. If this baby seal department is in the hands of the wild family, it is conceivable how powerful it will be.
At present, the price paid by Xu Ren is that the spiritual strength of Dantian gas and sea is almost exhausted. If there is no stone to make up for the gods, I am afraid that he will really dry up and return to the past this time.
Chapter two hundred and thirty-five Change
Xu Ren’s auction of 300,000 pieces of Lingshi from Baihucheng is really amazing. Before the ban is completed, he will directly force Piaoyun Mountain to become bloody and severely damaged, even the whole body blood ShaQi becomes extremely unstable, and the blood vessels in his hands and feet are cracked a lot.
Zhang Liujin tried to keep calm and blocked his opponent’s blow. He felt that he still had a chance. He didn’t believe that Xu Ren could once again urge that strange seal to deal with himself.
Zhang Liujin jumped at Xu Ren with a strong spirit and waving a long knife.
Realizing Zhang Liujin’s state is not good, even the bat wing behind him has a hole, and the head is short of a sharp corner. However, even if he is in a bad state, he can’t stop attacking Xu Ren. He has to kill Xu Ren as soon as possible in order to solve his hatred.
Although Xu Ren’s state is not good, there is a stone to help him restore his spiritual strength at any time, and he is not completely incapable of action at this time
Saw Zhang Liujin came to himself. Although Xu Ren felt physically, he was still able to keep Zhang Liujin at a certain distance.
It was also an accident for Xu Ren that the seal of the wild days was sealed. He didn’t expect that the seal of the wild days would bring such a chief mate, but the seal of the wild days took away his spiritual power, but it didn’t take away his spirit. Only in this way can Xu Ren barely maintain the control of the law of protecting the mountains in Piaoyun Mountain.
Xu Renxian, however, didn’t want to finish the bloody Zhang Liujin’s head-on collision. While avoiding Zhang Liujin, he absorbed Lingshi Lingli crazily.
Not long. Xu Ren has absorbed several lingshi.
Since the repair of the Dantian gas sea, Xu Renti’s mental strength has increased by dozens of lingshi, which has failed to fill his Dantian gas sea.
However, although these dozens of Lingshi failed to fill the Dantian gas sea in Xu Ren, it made him move freely.
Before Zhang Liujin’s eyes became more and more red, Xu Ren urged the wild seal to launch an attack. Although he resisted it, it also made it more difficult for him to suppress blood, anger and restlessness. Now he has defeated Xu Rencai as soon as possible, so as not to completely lose his mind like Brother Piaoyun Mountain after he became bloody, and finally become vain.
Xu Ren also constantly absorbs LingShi psychic force. Although he is very distressed by these LingShi consumptions, what is his life compared with LingShi consumptions?
In this way, the bloody and scarred Zhang Liujin and Xu Ren have been deadlocked for less than half an hour
Ho ho-
After killing Zhang Liujin for less than half an hour, the last trace of reason was finally killed, and he completely lost his mind and became a bloodthirsty monster.
After the bloodletting, Zhang Liujin and his floating Yunshan practiced the skill of transforming The Hunger, and after the bloodletting, their strength soared a lot, and their speed and strength reached a new height.
Xu Ren for Zhang Liujin changes have long been expected, but the other speed will force him to have no breathing space.
Nai Xu Ren can make the spirit-eating worm go out. Although controlling the spirit-eating worm makes his spirit consume quickly, if he doesn’t move the spirit-eating worm, I’m afraid he will have to be torn up by Zhang Liujin who lost his mind directly.
As soon as the devourer came out, he kept an eye on Zhang Liujin. For the devourer, Zhang Liujin is the food they want most.
Zhang Liujin has completely lost his mind. He has nothing in his eyes but Xu Ren.
Fortunately, Zhang Liujin lost his mind, and the only thing left in his heart was to kill Xu Ren, so that he could quickly catch him and bite Zhang Liujin after he was bloody.
Although Zhang Liujin lost his mind, he felt uncomfortable being bitten by a spirit-eating worm. So he not only chased Xu Ren, but also kept pulling his claws back and forth to try to get rid of the bite.
The spirit-eating worm’s hunger for food far exceeds that of the ordinary monster beast. Even the real blood inferno is not easy to get away from. What’s worse, Zhang Liujin is not a real blood inferno.
With the passage of time, Zhang Liujin, in addition to being grumpy, also developed a fear mood, which can bite the spirit worm, but no matter how Zhang Liujin’s mood is, he will bite Zhang Liujin’s bloody body.
In order to get rid of the entanglement of the spirit-eating worm, Zhang Liujin chose the talent of blood inferno to deify the fog.
The moment Zhang Liujin turned into a thick flesh and wanted to get rid of the spirit-eating worm.
But it doesn’t matter what form Zhang Liujin is. Even if it’s foggy, they will still devour it.
Can’t resist the spirit-eating worm and fog. Zhang Liujin jumped at Xu Ren again. He remembers who made him look like this. Even if he died, he had to pull Xu Ren with him.
Zhang Liujin’s idea is good, but it is difficult to realize it. When the blood fog incarnated by Zhang Liujin wants to touch Xu Ren’s body, a red light quickly shoots into the blood fog.
This red light is naturally blood spirit, but you can’t miss it for the pure blood, blood, gas and blood spirit incarnated by the nine monks in the condensate.
But even if blood spirit joined Xu Ren, it was wrapped up by blood ShaQi.
However, Xu Ren has experienced this scene more than once, so he is not afraid of being surrounded by blood and gas.
Even Xu Ren still has some expectations in his heart to be surrounded by blood ShaQi because he can use blood ShaQi to temper his body and will.
Just as Xu Ren expected, the purity of blood ShaQi incarnated by Zhang Liujin is second only to the real blood inferno body met in Xu Ren’s ancient tomb.
After about half an hour, the blood Shaqi incarnated by Zhang Liujin was carved up by the spirit-eating worm and the blood spirit.
Xu Ren is pale, but his face is smiling.
Zhang Liujin’s incarnation of blood Shaqi is of great benefit to Xu Ren’s exercise. Although his mental strength consumption is serious now, his body strength has increased a lot.
Xu Ren absorbed Lingshi Lingli again. This time, there was no coagulation, and the nine-fold Zhang Liujin pestered him to restore Lingli faster.
The disappearance of Zhang Liujin had a great influence on the whole battlefield situation.
Although the Lingguan Lingwei of the Qintian Prison in Daning Dynasty is very tired, their eyes seem to be shining, and the nine monks have been killed by them. Their confidence is rising rapidly, and they all think that even if the number of people floating in Yunshan takes advantage, they will really laugh at the end.
Compared with brother Piao Yunshan, the spirit guard of Qin Tianjian Prison is not the same. It is the first time that they think it is possible to defeat the spirit guard of Qin Tianjian Prison in Daning Dynasty.
In addition, many monks in Piaoyun Mountain are also full of fear for Xu Ren. Although there is no advantage in the confrontation between Xu Ren and Zhang Liujin from the beginning to the end, the final victory is Xu Ren. This not only makes them feel incredible, but also determines that Xu Ren is unfathomable. The monks in Piaoyun Mountain are interested in avoiding Xu Ren’s position, and even Xu Ren will deliberately avoid them when he looks at them.
Brother Piaoyunshan’s performance relieved Xu Ren a little. To tell the truth, although he consumed the nine-fold Zhang Liujin of Piaoyunshan’s condensate, his own state was not good. If Brother Piaoyunshan embraced him at this time, then his life would really have to be explained to Piaoyunshan.
Sometimes it’s like this. When you do something scary, even if you have tried your best, the other person won’t dare to do it to you.
However, leisure here in Xu Ren has not completely changed the disadvantage of Daning Dynasty’s Qin Tianjian. The number of monks floating in Yunshan still exceeds that of Daning Dynasty’s Qin Tianjian Lingguan Lingwei.
More importantly, after more than an hour of fighting between Piaoyun Mountain and Three Mountains, Qin Tianjian Lingtai Langlin Night House has shown signs of exhaustion.

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