However, before he went to the captain’s side not far ahead to report the analysis results of the soldiers, a series of continuous explosions occurred in front of the whole transport fleet, and the speed of the whole fleet slowed down because many pilot ships were burning and sinking.


"positive! Frontal submarine attack! Captain Barker came and they found the ghost straight ahead! " The sergeant’s shout from the newspaper room entered this side. The officer froze in his ear and an incredible idea came out. "Are there two ghosts?"
Because of the successive explosions, the speed of the whole fleet slowed down, so we arranged to move forward neatly together. All kinds of transport ships were in a mess, and then more explosions sounded, and more transport ships soared with huge flames. German torpedoes crowded together faster, more accurately and effectively, just like a huge target. How can German submarines aim at it?
"Sir! Well, the German submarine on our side is the ghost! It’s speeding up, and it’s scary. "The officer finally decided to analyze himself so that his captain could make a correct judgment.
"Both sides have ghosts? Didn’t the Germans have a submarine like that? Who can tell me where the problem is? " The captain of the British destroyer frowned and said sadly, "Let the left-wing destroyer go straight ahead to drive the other submarine and let them do whatever they want, and we will be finished!"
Chapter 743 744 When playing games
At one time, the confusion of two ghost submarines filled the hearts of the commander of the British escort fleet. It was a submarine full of mystery and terror, and one of them had already caused a headache to Iceland. Now there are two submarines that will definitely shock the whole British fleet.
However, before he came to his senses, several ships in the transport fleet were hit and exploded, and the whole sea was like a fireworks factory being lit, with huge flames bursting everywhere and sparks flying everywhere
"h12 transport is sinking. They sent a distress call! H13 is burning, the ship is transporting food, and it seems that it can hold on for a while. h3 has broken and sunk rapidly, and its captain has died. "A newspaper reporter took several newspapers and nervously reported the losses caused by the attack just now.
"Left-wing destroyer immediately accelerate forward! Form an anti-submarine formation to drive away German submarines! Even if there are two ghosts, sink them! One hundred years of the British Empire! We will never bend easily! Nelson’s spirit is with us! " Return to absolute being, the commander roared and reached the order to encircle the other submarine.
"Speed up! Chase the other submarine! Depth charge, get ready for battle! Adjust the course! Na Bing, confirm the position of the other submarine! Report its course and speed at any time! " The first mate also reached the ship-based battle and ordered the latest American anti-submarine destroyer to immediately roll up the waves like chicken blood and kill the German submarine.
Not far behind this destroyer, an old British double-chimney old destroyer is exploding violently. Just now, the torpedo has caused great damage to it, and the seawater has flooded into the hull, so there is no way to continue the rescue.
Exploding destroyers are farther away, more transport ships are in a mess, and some unlucky ships have caught fire and exploded. The sea is full of crew members who are in distress and drowning, and some people are trying to put lifeboats on the side.
The speed of the whole fleet has dropped to almost a standstill, because there are burning and exploding wreckage on the starboard side and in front of it, and some ships turn left in the hope of avoiding these obstacles and raising their speed.
"Avoid those torpedoes! Slow down! Back up! Hurry up! " Looking at the burning and exploding ships on the sea, a transport ship grew up and ordered his hand, but his reversing soon affected another transport ship that was moving forward not far away, and both ships could finally slow down and stop to adjust their course before continuing to drive.
It’s a pity that there is a ship that will never have such a chance again. The transport ship on the left was hit by a torpedo that leaked all the way from the side before it stopped. The whole hull shook violently and then sank as slowly as the ship he was hit.
The more troublesome thing is that the fleet went to attack the German submarine destroyer directly in front of it, only to find them at this time. There are two targets in the positioning system, and they are almost identical targets. They are equally quiet and very fast.
It seems that these two targets can feel each other’s ships approaching, and it is incredible that the water speed is scattered to both sides and escapes. When the British destroyer Na Bing distinguishes that this is two submarines, everyone is completely desperate
"The first wave of attacks has at least one torpedo, and the attack speed can be determined to be the ghost! In addition to it, there is no submarine to have such a fast torpedo loading speed. "A British official frowned at the loss report and said that he had some headaches.
Another piece of evidence was quickly confirmed that the speed of this right-wing sniper attack submarine has exceeded 1 knot, which has never been heard before. There is definitely a submarine that can do it, that is to say, the ghost of the North Atlantic.
However, before pursuing the ghost submarine, three destroyers chased it to drive away the ghost, and the analysis report on the other side was also sent to the commander of the fleet. It is incredible that the attack density in front of it exceeded the attack density in front of it, and at least two torpedoes attacked it at the same time. This attack density is almost the attack power of a wolf submarine formation.
What’s even more frightening is that after the attack, the other side actually split into two roads to escape, but the signal showed that there were two sources and the speed had exceeded 1. I went to the front to carry out the anti-submarine warfare destroyer, and I was a little confused for a while and didn’t know what was going on.
These are not two ghost submarines, but three damn submarines! What is this concept? This almost represents a message, that is, damn it, there is indeed a new submarine in the submarine force of the Third Reich Navy, and its performance is so good that you can fill it in, and this terrible weapon is constantly being mass-produced!
There has always been a superstition of ghost submarines in the British naval fleet, saying that some of them are caused by gossip. On the other hand, we have to admit that this is the subconscious of the British navy’s reluctance to see more ghost submarines.
Imagine if it was really a monster driving a ghost submarine. At most, it would be enough for Britain to endure the torture of such a submarine. But one day, it will be known that this thing was issued by the German technical department as an epoch-making special weapon. How much will the British pay?
One boat is still a headache. What if it’s ten? What if it’s a hundred? So many unsinkable and terrible weapons have appeared in the channel, which has become no longer strong. Can the British navy still keep its fragile transportation line?
What makes people desperate is that even if they are so afraid and praying, the last thing they want to see appears in front of the Royal Navy. The facts clearly prove that the German submarine technology is indeed mature, mass-produced and equipped with troops on a large scale.
"gentlemen! Now let’s play! Show the Brits! What is the real navy! " Prien put away the periscope and glanced at the two soldiers. He said, "The dive depth is 11 knots and the speed is as high as 15 knots. Change the course with full rudder and let them listen to our voice!"
"Course section 15! The machine increases output! " The sailor in charge of power answered Prien’s order, and the helmsman behind him had already pushed the steering wheel to the end. The whole submarine swayed slightly due to acceleration and steering, and all people’s feet were like stepping on a soft sponge.
"The tail torpedo on standby! If the opponent is a soldier, pay attention to distinguish the enemy’s sound signal! Confirm the speed and course of the other party! " As the depth of the submarine changes, Prien knows that his advantage is getting bigger and bigger. Although it is impossible to tell how many British ships have sunk, the soldiers can still hear the dull explosion in the distance in their headphones.
Not surprisingly, Prien’s attack this time can make this huge fleet lose about half of its ships. This kind of record will have to be achieved at night and when it is extremely lucky. Now the German submarines are daring to kill the British, but it is more effective. Even the counterattack has not been organized.
There are four torpedo tubes at the bow of the old U-shaped submarine in Germany. If you want to fire three torpedoes at one breath, you need a submarine to do it. Now the new submarine can fire 12 torpedoes at one breath. If you want to launch three torpedoes, you need three submarines to do it. This attack density can rise to heaven and earth.
Prien only dared to form a wolf pack with five new submarines. When Li came, the other side’s spirit was the most relaxed, and the fact of sneak attack proved that his attack was very successful. At present, it seems that his attack tactics have caused great losses to the British.
Prien doesn’t know what kind of achievements his friendly submarine has made now. He knows that his submarine has sunk at least one destroyer and three transport ships from the other side, so he can hand them over to the other two friendly forces for confirmation.
In the other direction, the friendly submarines, that is, the two new submarines on the front, didn’t disappoint them. They were able to equip the first batch of new submarines. These German sailors had a long record before, and each team sank less than two ships. Take out the malicious characters separately. It’s not that the British Empire hates water demons.
This kind of one-sided performance crushing is simply a grand game for these captains and crew who are used to dealing with rival destroyers with old equipment. They hunt as the most powerful hunter in the vast Atlantic Ocean and increase their record as much as possible.
When the whole British fleet lost three "ghosts" at the same time, a transport ship on the outermost left side of the British fleet was responsible for observing the movement of the water. In the telescope lens of the British crew, a slender periscope was seen paddling near the water, and it was getting closer and closer to itself.
He put his binoculars on and stared at his companion, then shouted in the most desperate voice, "Oh, we are in trouble this time!" "
Chapter 744 745 Weapon gap
The poor sailor couldn’t see that there was a periscope in the other corner, and he was always observing the every move of the transport fleet here. At such a delicate moment, the German submarine finally revealed its own killing tactics and poured deadly torpedoes at its opponents.
I found that there was also a German submarine sailor on the port side. Before I came, I ran to the distance and a torpedo hit the iron plate on the side of his deck.
The huge inertia caused the torpedo to hit the iron plate heavily, and then the vibration excited the torpedo fuse to ignite the explosive behind it. The whole torpedo body was torn into several invisible fragments by terrible chemical energy.
Before the poor sailor and those around him realized that an idea exploded in his mind, air billow and flames consumed their bodies, and then the torpedo exploded, pushing the seawater to shake and tear repeatedly, twisting and destroying the ship’s side.
The human body is so violent that it looks so humble and small in front of the power. As the shock wave spreads, these sailors near the center of the explosion are pushed high into the middle, and then the flying process is interrupted into several or dozens of pieces because of the excessive power.
I will never inform him of the ship or my captain again, because if I were not blind, I would have seen this splendid fireworks, but if I were not deaf, I would have heard it deafening.
Seawater is poured into the ship’s hull. Without the protection of heavy armor, it is impossible for the merchant ship’s roots to resist this terrible weapon. Even the battleship can resist the huge force and destroy the ship’s support structure in an instant. Even in the huge explosion noise, it can still be clearly heard.
The buoyancy of the two sections of the hit transport ship did not change for a short time, but in the middle, because there was still a lot of water in the cargo, the weight increased sharply, but the buoyancy was lost, so the steel keel was damaged with the click sound, and the strong steel bar was abruptly twisted into two sections by a stronger force than the huge steel bar.
With the deformation of the keel, the strong rivets on the surrounding iron plate are squeezed out like bullets, and the cabin splashes around like bullets, flying around like bullets, penetrating the chest or belly of those unlucky sailors, and the blood seeping into the seawater becomes deep red and dazzling.
In just over ten seconds, the transport ship broke from it, and both the stern and the bow were raised high and left the sea with dripping seawater. The bottom of the ship was covered with creatures in the sea all the year round, and it looked far less smooth than other parts.
"h19 transport was sunk! My god! That’s the left position! There are enemy submarines over there, too There are also enemy submarines over there! " At the core, a crew member shouted with a telescope, and his cry was full of despair, as if death was over his head.
In order to protect the safety of the whole fleet and better protect the important materials in short supply, the large fleet in Iceland arranges the ships in the fleet in order of importance, and the outermost ships generally transport worthless food or cheap materials; Further inside are personnel and some weapons and equipment; It is more dangerous to load things on the ship at the core, either oil or ammunition.
In this case, the whole fleet formation has been in chaos, and it seems very bad that the Germans came prepared. At this moment, it is obviously a very desperate thing to take another ship with 1 ton of explosives and 3 tons of artillery shells when you get home.
Sure enough, before the crew of this arms carrier studied how to improve their current situation, they saw that a transport ship in the core position was hit by a leaking torpedo not far away, and the hull exploded in an instant, and the water column was less than two stories high. With this explosion, the tanker with the most oil in the whole fleet exploded heroically.
This huge fire, similar to the ultimate explosion, sounded the horn of the collapse of the British. Some transport ships on the edge were very good at getting rid of the big forces, and while evading, they left the fleet and fled in the other direction. Those merchant destroyers who were supposed to protect were now scrambling to deal with those tricky German submarines.
The periphery of the fleet is not peaceful. As time goes by, British destroyers have dropped a series of deep-water bombs, and a series of dull and loud explosions have been sent out in the depths of the ocean, pulling the seawater repeatedly and finally spreading this powerful tearing force to a considerable distance.
However, these explosive depth charges obviously didn’t have their due effect, because the explosion site was too far away from the target they were going to attack. The u47 submarine has already got rid of the British destroyer that was chasing it at an excellent speed. After all, the explosion in the distance has affected both sides. It is very bad to detect the current fighting environment, which is conducive to the submarine’s escape.
If the Royal Navy is asked to rank the German ships it hates, then the first place is the German submarine, which is such a damn weapon that the British people think should not appear. It is simply trampling on the British Empire.
To say that the English Channel War was lost, the British finally felt that the German naval carrier fleet could not win. They thought that if the German spy had not happened to be killed at the crucial moment, the final winner of that naval battle would have been the Royal Navy. Even after losing the sea control or losing the sea control, the British Navy was still full of confidence in winning.
Nelson’s spirit has been deeply rooted in the bone marrow for a hundred years, and it has only been erected for a hundred years. The root of arrogance and strength cannot be affected by a small defeat, but it is only a shame that the Royal Navy has lost its soil.
They are very serious and are threatening the Royal Navy, but it is not a big threat that the German submarine and the damn battleship "Lei Deer Admiral of the fleet" are on the aircraft carrier and the United States needs to support the British aircraft carrier in place.

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